Time to complete your order:
12:30 PM
$52 per skater/4 weeks
15 & Younger Only

Skaters who completed Youth I/II will continue to expand their mastery of skating basics and get an introduction to the various styles of roller skating with this 4-week course. Students may only be admitted without completing Youth I/II with instructor approval. Registration fee includes skate rental and admission to the 1-5 PM Open Skate Session following class.

Classtime is from 12:30-12:55 PM. You may arrive as early as 12 PM and warm up on the side floors until their section begins, but may not enter the main floor until 12:30 PM.

Some 4-week courses have break-weeks due to holidays. Course dates are as follows:
  • OCT 5-26
  • NOV 2-23
  • DEC 7-JAN 11 (no class 12/21 or 12/28)
  • JAN 18-FEB 8
  • FEB 15-MAR 8
  • APR 5-26
  • MAY 3-31 (no class 5/24)

All visitors participating in roller skating must complete a waiver. Waivers for minors must be completed by a parent or guardian.

Before purchasing tickets, review the Skate Class Ticketing Policies. Parking is sold separately; see our parking page.